Friday, November 11, 2011

On My Way to 100!

As a general rule, Peace Corps Volunteers read a lot. I would guess that we read, on average, about a book per week. We share books, we discuss our favorites, we try to get host country nationals to read, we start and participate in book drives and the international book project, we read to kids, and so on.

I recently shared about the book club I started in my village. I am pleased to announce that since our first meeting, the group has grown to include more PCVs and Batswana. Our book for the month is going to be Kathryn Stockett's The Help, which I am sure will elicit captivating conversation and new perspectives as we each share our insights from a variety of different backgrounds. I couldn't be happier that the book club is growing in interest and becoming something that people are excited about.

Peace Corps Volunteers around the world have also issued a challenge to read 100 books during their service. A number of volunteers, myself included, have decided to take this challenge a step further and say that the 100 books must be from Dr. Peter Boxall's 1001 Books To Read Before You Die list. (Thank you to a friend of mine for providing me with media files of all of these books, which I have transferred to my Kindle!) This means that we will read an assortment of the books from the list in addition to the books that we read about Africa and the impact of HIV/AIDS here (which are invaluable to our understanding of the issues and to the success of our service). If you feel so inclined (and I hope that you are), you are invited to join me from your respective corner of the world in this reading challenge!

Happy reading!

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